
George Tambouratzis

Institute for Language and Speech Processing
+30 210 6875411

George Tambouratzis received the Diploma in Electrical Engineering from N.T.U.A, Athens, Greece (1989) and the M.Sc. Degree in Digital Systems (1990) and the Ph.D. degree in Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition (1993), both from Brunel University. He has held a research post at the Institute for Language and Speech Processing since March 1999. He is currently a senior researcher (grade Director of Research) at Athena Research Centre, in Athens, Greece. His research interests include (i) Pattern Recognition (ii) Artificial Neural Networks (iii) Evolutionary Algorithms and Computational Intelligence, (iv) Natural Language Processing and (v) Machine Translation. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and also a member of the IEEE System, Man & Cybernetics Society since 1992 and of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society since 2005. He has advised a number of students from the Dept. of Electrical Engineering of NTUA in their studies leading to the award of a Ph.D. Degree, as well as a number of student in their final diploma dissertations. He has published in top-level international journals. He has served and is currently serving as a reviewer to over 30 high-level international journals and has served in the Committees of a large number of international conferences. He has served as the co-ordinator and lead investigator in several research projects, in particular projects funded by the European Commission. He has also served as an expert for the European Commission in a number of occasions (2016-2021).